Воробьева Ирина Николаевна

Гостевая книга

  • Ащина Мария

    Unfortunately, many of us know very little about our ancestors. But some people have proven how much we can learn if we are really interested in our family history. In the English lesson, we did a project and told our family story about one of the family members. This is a very interesting research work. I talked about my great-great-grandfather (my great-grandmother's brother). In the course of research, I had to look up all the family archives and I even found a document that describes the feat of my relative. He was very brave. He was a personal example for the soldiers of his platoon. I dream of finding some more information about him and even submitted documents to the search movement of Russia. Thanks to Irina Nikolaevna, the best English teacher, for reminding us on an ordinary day that our family history is very important and valuable. We should talk more with our relatives - our grandparents. They do have a lot of to tell us!

  • Цой Денис

    I wrote a project paper in English about my family. I got to know my great-grandfather, his exploits and life in general. and also about my great-grandmother, I saw a real feat and courage of our heroes. I find it difficult to find information and build sentences correctly. but i think i did the job. this is a very interesting activity as you can pass this information on to your children. so that the generation does not forget them. we are proud of the feat of our ancestors

  • Попов Илья

    This month I was doing a research paper about one of my family members-my grandfather. I thought I knew a lot about him, but as I got more involved, I realized there was a lot I didn't really know. I have quite a few photos with my grandfather. This job helped me learn a lot about my own grandfather.

  • Елисеев Никита

    To achieve my goal, I needed to gather information about my great-grandfather. I presented all the material I collected in the presentation. I found the articles. All of them relate to my great-grandfather's work as a correspondent. The most important thing in my work on the project is that I fulfilled the goal that I set for myself, namely, I told and showed the story of my great-grandfather. As a result, I have expanded my knowledge of my family's past. While working on the project, I learned goal setting and sequence of actions, choosing the optimal execution option, and independence. I learned how to work with different sources of information. The greatest difficulty was caused by the stage of searching for information, building a presentation and proposals. In conclusion, I want to say that talking about your family is a very exciting activity. This kind of activity is very helpful to learn the history of your family.

  • Ариана

    I carried out a project in English on the topic: "The history of my family." This was not my first experience with the project, so it was not entirely difficult. I learned a lot about the history of my seventies, interesting facts from the life of my great-grandfather. But, there were still difficulties, mainly in the construction of sentences. This kind of activity is very interesting and useful for me. We must know the history of our family and not forget. In my research, I talked about my great-grandfather. He worked on machines during the war. He was wounded in the leg by a bullet, but did not stop trying for the good of society. I am proud of my great-grandfather!

  • Артем Гречук

    Unfortunately, I didn't do my homework, but I know that finding information about my distant relatives is very interesting! I hope I can know more about my ancestors in the future.

  • Мирсанов Дмитрий

    We recently wrote a mini-project in English on the topic "The Story of My Family". In the process of writing a work, in my opinion, the most difficult thing was to find information about distant relatives and build proposals with this information correctly. In my project, I talked about my great-grandmother. I believe that such mini projects, works and presentations are very interesting and useful for the development and learning of something new

  • Щербакова Дарья

    Recently, for an English lesson, we performed an interesting task. The task was that we had to tell the story of our family. This task was not difficult at all and was very interesting. It was interesting to find old photos of my mother and see what she was like in her youth. I think this task was fun for everyone. We found out a lot of interesting facts about relatives that we didn't know about before.

  • Киселёв Михаил

    I had an interesting hometask a week ago. I was to tell my class about my great-grandfather. I have never been interested in my family history so it was a great opportunity to get more information about my relative. I got all the information from my mother. Now I know what my great-grandfather's name was, when he was born, what did he look like, where he came from and what his profession was. This kind of work was interesting and useful for me.

  • Исоева Мавзона

    Недавно на уроке английского языка мы получили очень интересное творческое задание - узнать об истории нашей семьи и сделать о ней проект. Написание проекта было увлекательным и полезным для меня занятием. С помощью этого проекта я лучше узнала свою семью и обнаружила факты, о которых даже не подозревала. Я осознала необходимость больше разговаривать со своими родственниками, так как им есть, что нам рассказать. При работе над проектом появлялись некоторые трудности, но благодаря помощи и советам Ирины Николаевны я с лёгкостью их преодолевала. Стоит обратить внимание, что Ирина Николаевна очень хороший, отзывчивый и креативный учитель. На уроках Ирины Николаевны всегда интересно, потому что она придумывает различные созидательные задания, вроде вышеупомянутого проекта. Я очень рада, что учусь у такого замечательного учителя!

  • Тарасова Валерия

    There were many difficulties while working on the project “My Family Story”. When it came to finding information about my great-grandfather who participated in the war, it was difficult to find out who he was, where he worked and what kind of person he was. But fortunately, I managed to find out all this information from my relatives. Having learned all the information about my grandfather, I learned a lot of interesting things about his life. The next difficulty was in constructing sentences in English, since my English vocabulary is not as large as I would like. I believe that such projects are useful for us, because thanks to them we do not forget about those thanks to which we now live. This memory and this memory must be passed on from generation to generation.

  • Бесхлебная Инесса Антоновна

    Recently I told a project on the history of my family. I had never done this before and it was interesting to do the work myself and also to hear about the relatives of my classmates. The information was not easy to get, but after asking adults and searching the Internet, I succeeded. While I was doing this project, I learned something new for myself, which I did not know before. I think that such tasks are very useful and interesting for us. For example, I didn’t know before what kind of awards my great-grandfather was awarded, or how my great-grandmother raised my grandfather, how they lived.

  • Рыжиков Сергей

    Recently, I was preparing a research job on my family history. I mean, the job was pretty interesting, each of us learned something new about each other, and most importantly, we learned a new thing about ourselves, about our relatives. To do this job well, I spoke to my parents, distant relatives, to clarify interesting facts, because I didn't know much, and I found out a lot of information, was new. The difficulties were finding photos because they were in another city, and there were also difficulties in translating some words, but I quickly managed it. I think we need to give more of these tasks so that we know the history of our family well and tell it to future generations, and not just in English.

  • Пак Карина

    I was preparing a project work on the topic "The history of my family." For me, the work turned out to be quite interesting, because I learned a lot of interesting facts about my family and about my distant relatives. I found a lot of information on the Internet, photos, newspaper records. But there were also difficulties, since I prepared the project in English there were difficulties with translating many new words, constructing sentences and a little with pronunciation. Summing up my project, I realized that such work is very useful for my development and now I can say with accuracy that I am proud of my ancestors and the history of my family

  • Максимова Татьяна Викторовна

    Я с Ириной Николаевной работаю уже несколько лет и знаю её не только как профессионального учителя, но и замечательного человека. Она добрая, отзывчивая, ответственная, креативная. Посещая её уроки, я получаю удовольствие от её преподавания, как она контактирует с детьми. Её уроки яркие и запоминающиеся. Она отличный педагог.

  • Иванова Анастасия

    Recently, in an English lesson, we received an interesting task - to make a mini-project about the history of family. In it, I talked about the appearance, study, profession and hobby of my grandmother. Thanks to this assignment, I learned a lot about her. There were no difficulties in finding information, because I personally talked with my grandmother about this, but with the construction of sentences in English, some difficulties arose, so I had to poll our English notebook in search of some rules that we write down in lessons. I think tasks of this kind are very useful and interesting for everyone, because in this way we learn better about family. At the same time, we do a pleasant thing relatives, interested in this.

  • Фёдорова Светлана

    Недавно, наш класс готовил исследовательскую работу по истории своей семьи. Хочется сказать, что работа была достаточно интересной, каждый из нас узнал что-то новое друг про другу, а самое главное, мы узнали новое про себя, про наших родственников. Для того чтобы хорошо сделать данное задание, я разговаривала со своей бабушкой по телефону, для того, чтобы уточнить несколько фактов, так как я и так многое знала, но некоторая информация, была новой. Трудности возникли в поиски фотографий, потому что они находятся в другом городе, также трудности возникли с переводом неких слов, но я быстро с этим справилась. Я считаю, что нужно побольше давать таких заданий, чтобы мы хорошо знали историю своей семьи и рассказывали ее будущим поколениям.

  • Колесникова Екатерина Андреевна

    Любимая учительница моей дочки! Замечательный педагог, всегда находит общий язык с учениками и дает очень хорошие знания! Без сомнения заслуживает звание «Учитель года»

  • Седова Нина Юрьевна

    Ирина Николаевна Воробьёва работает в нашей гимназии 8 лет учителем английского языка. Молодая, энергичная, творческая личность. Умеет креативного мыслить, умеет увлечь ребят. Считаю, что Ирина Николаевна достойна участвовать в конкурсе. Она всегда стремиться к профессиональному росту и самосовершенствованию. Очень хороший друг для ребят.

  • Пецюх Ольга Николаевна

    Я работаю с Ириной Николаевной Воробьевой больше 5 лет. Она трудолюбивый и требовательный учитель, в первую очередь к себе. Ее уроки очень живые, интересные. К разработке каждого урока она подходит творчески, поэтому дети с большим интересом посещают ее занятия. Она энергичная, общительная, вежливая, тактичная.

  • Нестерова Валентина

    Two weeks ago, I completed a research paper called " My Family History." It was very interesting and exciting to do this work. To write it, I needed to talk to my ancestors and learn stories from their lives. I heard a lot of new and impressive facts about my grandparents. To write the work, I used a photo from a family photo album. Looking at old photos, I realized that I was very similar to my grandmother on my mother's side. I enjoyed doing this project. I believe that I managed to complete the project. After all, the main goal is to find out information about your ancestors and communicate with your relatives.

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